Cars, Caravans and Other Vehicles

What could be the problem with my auto's air conditioning system?

The only thing you probably know about auto air conditioning is that it is hard to live without, and replacing or repairing it is expensive.  But the question is, why is repairing it expensive? What problem could make it faulty and is there a way to fix it yourself? Having some basic knowledge about possible problems on your auto A/C reduces your chances of being taken advantage of at the auto air conditioning repair shop, something many people have encountered.

Understand the basic of auto air conditioning

Problems with automotive air conditioning can be typically divided into two categories: the refrigeration side, which produces heat and cold air; and the electrical side of the system that controls the refrigeration functioning.

Why is understanding the side of the system that is not functioning important?  Let's take an example of a situation when you notice that the system does not cool. Your repair man may tell you that the problem is the electrical side of the system, in which case, it is expensive to repair, but the problem may be the refrigeration side. Knowing the side that is causing a problem is imperative and can really save you some few bucks.

What could be the problem?

Sometimes the problem can be something you can fix yourself unless you are uncomfortable doing it. Here are some common issues/problems that you might have encountered on your auto air conditioning system and how to fix them.

  • The air conditioner needs recharging. If you notice that your auto air conditioner is not getting cold enough, the problem is most likely the refrigerant.   In most cases recharging it will solve the problem, and you can actually do it yourself, but if you are uncomfortable doing it, look for a certified mechanic to get your cold airs flowing again pretty quickly.
  • There is a leak. The refrigerant is not supposed to leak, so taking it for recharging every time you encounter the problem may not be a permanent solution. However, today's A/C systems are very sensitive, and there can be a leak from ruptured hoses as a result of weak connections, which can cause shutdowns. You repair shop can check the leakage and repair them without charging you a lot.
  • Moisture buildup. If you notice that your auto air conditioning system is blowing out air with sporadic temperatures, then there are likely chances that moisture has buildup in one of the assemblies.  You will need to visit a repair company as soon as possible since moisture formation can cause a sudden death to your auto A/C system.

Other issues.

Auto air conditioning systems are very complicated, and while there are some easy problems that can be fixed by anyone who understands it, there are some other problems that need to be handled by a certified mechanic.
